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My Story (so far)

I wrote and released my first album at the age of 12, Two Minds, after being diagnosed with EDS, a rare connective tissue disorder. Ever since, I have been passionate about creating music of all types to facilitate exploring different avenues of self expression. I have created jingles, written musicals, collaborated on songs and released my own music. I am currently working on my third album - Naked Heart.


I was born in the USA but moved back to the UK when I was six months. I was lucky enough to return in 2016 for my sixth form. Therefore, I've developed a strong affinity with the American culture and way of life. I moved back to the UK to begin Uni in 2018 at the University of Leeds studying Music and Philosophy. During my time there, I took part in many of the theatre groups which involved directing and producing shows (on the University campus and at Edinburgh Fringe Festival) and composing music for various shows (see my RESUME for further details)


During my year in industry (2020-2021), I worked as a freelance singing teacher, a freelance singer/songwriter working with producers to develop their tracks, a freelance writer for ScreenRant. Alongside this, I with began an internship with the MY HERO Project which developed into being hired as their Creative and Digital Media Associate. I worked on developing their TV show pitch (which involved being in communications with the BBC), increasing their social media activity, creating informational videos for their website, editing a weekly salon series hosted by activist Eva Haller and conducting interviews with winning filmmakers and activists, and more!

(See my MY HERO portfolio)


Since graduating, I have been working for the MY HERO Project as the assistant director to their film festival and as lead editor on their feature documentary about the life of Eva Haller.




Awards and Accolades

For more including covers, reaction videos, interviews etc please visit mYouTube Channel

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